“As (my son) is about to turn 5 this month, I just wanted to reach out to you to say a heartfelt thank you again for the work you did for us in 2012 – 2014….for the relocation hearing, divorce trial, and the multiple hearings in-between. I know this is your job and you see these domestic situations every day, but I just wanted to share a few photos….with you, so you can see the impact of what you do and how it positively affects families and how you make a difference. None of these photos representing the past few years with (my son) and I, could have been possible without you and the work you do. I am grateful and want to thank you for helping to legally preserve the bond that (my son) and I had back then, which is exponentially greater today. He will grow up knowing that his father never abandoned him and fought hard to make sure he would always have a dad in his life, and for that I thank you very much for helping (my son) receive that.”
AUGUST, 2017
“Ms. Wechsler….Thank you for traveling on this pathway with me for the past six years. You have always presented me in a good and truthful light, represented me with a tenacious spirit, and have always been ready and prepared. I am forever grateful to you for sharing your time, winning attitude and your stand for we, who respect the laws of our great country.”
“Ms. Mercedes….So greatly appreciate you made me cry tears of relief. Thank you so much for helping me and my grandson. May God Bless you abundantly.”
“Mercedes….How do I say ‘Thank You’ for saving my daughter and saving me as well in the process? There are no words that can say enough, so I can only say thank you. I know this is your job but know on August 10th, 2006 you were a real hero and you changed our lives for the better forever. Thank you for the sake of my little girl, thank you for my life back, and when I say thank you I hope you know it’s from the bottom of my heart.”