When it comes to the courtroom, appearances are everything. If you have appealed a custody decision, this is even more important, as things likely did not go your way the first time (hence the appeal).
Below are some tips to make sure that you make the best possible impression when you go to court for your child custody appeal.
Dress conservatively
Yes, it’s Florida and it’s hot and humid. You may be smothering in a three-piece suit in warmer weather. It’s OK to leave off the vest and jacket, but make sure that you’re wearing a long-sleeved shirt and tie. An undershirt will absorb some of the nervous sweat, so don’t leave home without one.
Parents of both sexes should dress conservatively. This is not a time to show skin. Women should wear long-sleeved tops with a skirt, or a dress. Wear close-toed shoes. Flats are perfectly fine, but if you wear heels, they shouldn’t be sky-high wobblers.
Remove piercings and cover tattoos
Anything more than a single pair of discreet stud earrings (for women only) should be left at home. Take out the nose ring and remove the ear cuff. Your clothing should cover most tattoos. Any that are still visible can be temporarily disguised by special cover-up make-up.
Keep long hair contained
Don’t look like you’re headed out to the beach. Women can wrap their hair into coiled buns secured by bobby pins. Men with longer locks should consider a haircut. Failing that, a discreet ponytail tucked into your shirt will have to do. Wild hair colors and styles are inappropriate distractions in the courtroom. If you sport a purple Mohawk, consider wearing a wig.
If you’re still unsure what is and isn’t appropriate, ask your family law attorney to weigh in on your outfit prior to court. You’re paying good money for his or her advice, so make sure that you heed it.
Source: Very Well Family, “How to Dress in Court for Your Child Custody Case,” Debrina Washington, accessed May 04, 2018