Divorce was never the plan, but when it's on the horizon it's important that you start making a plan for yourself. Your future and your assets depend on how you approach the divorce and how and when you acquired your assets. In Florida, marital property refers to...
Month: February 2017
Florida could pass new alimony reform bill
The National Parents Organization (NPO) is publicly supporting an alimony reform law that Florida state lawmakers are currently considering. The NPO is a political action group that supports equal rights for fathers and mothers, and better lives for children, through...
Tips for going through a divorce after 50
Did you think you were "too old to get a divorce?" Think again. More seniors in the United States are getting divorced than ever before. Divorce figures for couples over the age of 50 have increased substantially in recent years according to a study published by...
Dividing your pension in a military divorce
All military service members who have been active for 20 years or more can receive a military pension when they retire. That pension will compensate them for life. Since Congress passed Uniformed Service Members Protection Act in 1982, family law courts will treat...
Budgeting for child support
The state of Florida takes child support very seriously. According to the Florida Department of Revenue, employers are even required to withhold support money from the noncustodial parent's paycheck if there is a court order. If that parent does not report a new job,...
Preparing children for a move after divorce
While divorce brings a myriad of changes, perhaps one of the most significant for children is a move. Whether the relocation is across town or to a different state, most children feel as if their lives are being torn apart. According to Kids Health, involving the...
4 tips everyone should know to protect assets during a divorce
Divorce may be brutal, and with the divorce rate hovering between 40-50 percent, it is clearly a problem that is not going away any time soon. While you may have married with the idea that you would raise a family and be together forever, this may not be your reality....
Should you keep a secret divorce fund?
One thing that people often say when they divorce is that they wish they'd stayed on top of their finances. They may feel like they have little control as the process plays out. To combat this, some spouses set up a secret fund -- perhaps a bank account in their own...
How can I maintain a business relationship with my ex?
If you and your spouse are joint business owners heading toward divorce in Florida, you may be wondering if your professional relationship will last after your personal separation. Despite the obvious hurdles, some divorcing couples have managed to remain civll and...