Could money from a civil suit be considered joint marital property during divorce? That is what one appeals court is currently considering after an inmate received a massive settlement for wrongful incarceration. The man, who had been imprisoned for 20 years on a rape...
Month: January 2017
Advice for relocating with kids following a divorce
After ending your marriage, your life will change in multiple ways. You may even decide to relocate. The decision to relocate, however, becomes complicated when children are involved. Is your spouse okay with your decision to relocate? Can a custodial obtain...
Do stay-at-home moms get alimony?
If you are a stay-at-home mom facing divorce in Florida, you may not be able to rely upon alimony to support you and your children. Legal reforms across the country seem to be decreasing the instances of alimony payments, and many women are being to feel the effects....
Explaining custody to young children
Divorce is a confusing time for children. Their lives are about to change dramatically, and they often do not understand the causes. Parents have the difficult task of helping their children understand why the change is taking place, as well as how their lives will be...
Attorneys: 30 percent jump in January divorces in Florida
The first month of 2017 has arrived, and couples are increasingly thinking about divorce. With the holidays over, those in unhappy marriages turn from thinking about turkey and pie to thinking about complex asset division. Legal experts say that divorce filings spike...
Divorce and life insurance
Divorce is often an unstable time. During the process, spouses in Florida are figuring out how to continue their lives separately while maintaining the same standard of living and, if children are involved, without disrupting the family structure any more than...
Understanding where you can file for a military divorce
The military lifestyle is one with a lot of movement and relocation. Service members may be transferred between bases, they may be deployed, and they may spend a significant amount of time moving around for training. This can make filing for divorce a bit more...
Biological dad denied all parental rights because mom was married
A Florida father is suffering after the birth of his child because he does not have any parental rights over the child and he's unable to get visitation rights over the child. There is no disputation that the man is the biological father. The problem is that...
Alimony modification
In the state of Florida, alimony may be determined by agreement between the parties or a court order. Both settlements are upheld as legally binding, but either party may request modification of the terms in certain situations. According to Florida statutes, the one...
Tips for entering the workforce after divorce
In many divorces, the woman finds herself in a difficult position because she has spent years at home raising kids and is now forced to enter the workforce to support her family. While the non-custodial spouse may be required to pay child support and alimony for...