Going through a child custody battle is never easy. It is even more difficult on the children. Once it is done, all parties can begin to recover and live life. But, what if you need to relocate with your child for a new job? If you have custody of the child, you...
When an ex-spouse wants to move overseas with your child
After you have divorced or separated from your spouse, there are likely to be many changes to your life situations. However, if you both have shared custody of your child, it is important that you build a strong co-parenting relationship. However, you are both going...
How to file a petition to relocate in Florida
Relocation is a hot topic when it comes to divorce in the state of Florida. Many couples that divorce who have children need to know what it takes to relocate and what they can and cannot do when wanting to relocate. It's best to know the laws prior to making a...
Dealing with child custody internationally
Child custody disputes can be heartbreaking enough when they occur within the same town. However, having to deal with a dispute across international borders has the potential to bring on a whole new level of stress and complications. The good news is that since...
Moving locations as a single parent
As a single parent with shared custody of your child, you will relish the opportunity to have quality time with your child or childrenl; however, you will likely feel constrained by the lack of freedom that co-parenting with an ex-partner creates. However, you cannot...
Where does the law stand with child relocation?
It is very common for a child to relocate, sometimes out of state, following a divorce or separation of his or her parents. This is why there is a lot of procedure surrounding it. When there is a dispute and the issue is taken to the courts, they always take the...
Can I add a relocation clause in my divorce?
When going through a divorce, you may already have a vague plan of your next steps as a single parent. Perhaps you want to move back to your hometown, move out of state in order to get a fresh start or move to a new city to start a new job. Regardless of what your...
Relocate smoothly as a single parent
As a single parent, life is often chaotic and you need to rely on consistency and organization to get through every day. But when less frequent events crop up, such as deciding to relocate -- perhaps to a different state -- you need to be more prepared than ever to...
The law on relocation and child custody
Child custody agreements are often very fragile since they are mostly mutual agreements between two people that have decided to separate from each other. Therefore, when a custodial parent decides to relocate with his or her child, it can cause a lot of damage to the...
Can I relocate with my child to a new state?
Imagine you have a 10-year-old son. You're a single mother sharing physical and legal custody with the father of your child. He spends half the time with you and half the time with his dad. However, you just got the job offer of your dreams, making triple your normal...