When couples with children divorce, many people may assume that the parents will separate and maintain their own households while the children are shuttled between the two. However, this is not always the case. According to Psychology Today, a new trend in...
Child Custody
What is Joint Custody?
If you have a child and are in the middle of a divorce, you may need to decide whether or not you will ask for joint custody. Joint custody, which is known as time-sharing in the Florida Statutes, dictates who will have responsibility for taking care of your child, as...
What do kids need during a divorce?
In addition to dealing with property division, child custody, visitation rights and other decisions when going through a divorce, Florida parents must also help their children directly. Each child will have a unique reaction to and understanding of a parents’...
Children left for an hour at federal office
In Florida, there are laws designed to keep children safe. For example, child custody rights may be lost if a parent shows signs of abusing or neglecting their children, even if the instance of abuse or neglect is not considered “extreme”. This is the case...
Can you prevent your child from being internationally abducted?
It’s a scary situation to think about. All of the rulings have been passed, the court has said its final word on child custody, but the other parent is not satisfied and decides to take matters into their own hand by abducting your child and absconding to another...
Children soon to be reunited with returned army mother
Child custody laws in any state can be tricky, including Florida. Though child custody is often associated with a couple that is going into divorce proceedings, that is not always the case. Custody battles can be fought without divorce being involved, and these...
Courts have a say in what’s best for a child
Dealing with child custody cases in divorce can be difficult. This is especially true if you are facing a heated split. Figuring out a schedule for yourself, your ex-spouse and your child can be time consuming and frustrating. This is where the court’s help may...
Dealing with parenting classes for child custody
Dealing with divorce that involves child custody situations can be scary, because your life with your child could be on the line. However, in most cases, both parents are able to have an equal hand in the life of their child. In order to have equal custody, you will...
Parental relocation basics
Florida parents who get divorced while their children are still minors must decide upon or have courts decide upon child custody agreements. These include details about whether or not parents will share joint custody or if one person will be the primary custodial...
Bill would expand grandparents’ right to seek visitation
For grandparents, the ability to spend time with grandchildren is one of the most important things in life. Unfortunately, complications in relationships can sometimes result in grandparents losing the ability to be with grandchildren. Here in Florida, there are...